
cake and the doctor

This weekend I finally had a good, albeit nerdy, reason to have another crack at that Blackforest cake I've unsuccessfully made several times before - the Dr Who Season Finale - the perfect excuse to watch telly and eat cake! We had a little get together for it at our lovely friends' place and their dog, Motown, slept through Doctor Who but perked up enormously for a walk down the wonderfully named Storey Street to chase dogs and sniff random mushrooms. 

If you want to give it a crack, here is the recipe I used. I adapted it to 3 layers in the end because 10 was just becoming insanely out of control - and this cake had to be bus transportable, but don't worry, 3 layers will still have you reclining post-cake on the couch in a delicious, chocolately daze.

(Images: my flickr)


Bec Boland said...

Mmmm, I'm still in that "post-cake chocolaty daze".
Was great to see you on the weekend, thanks for the cake!!! YUM!!!

Georgia said...

My absolute pleasure Bec! Thanks again for having us round and for that most delicious quiche of awesomeness!!! Catch you up again soon:)

Georgia said...
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